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A website dedicated to helping young people find new purpose in life

About Us

Hello dear reader, Welcome to our corner of the internet!

First and foremost, let's talk about our goals here.

We are a couple of ordinary folks who used to live the lives most young people live now: Playing video games constantly, scrolling social media, never going out, not going to the gym, eating junk food... you get the idea. But we got out of it because we felt like there's more to life than this. We want to share this wisdom with everybody. We noticed there were so many more people who lived these purposeless lives.

While talking among ourselves, we had this conversation, and we came to one single conclusion:

But it doesn't have to be this way.

We believe that our parents and grandparents were right: Maybe it is time to go outside, to move, to stop scrolling, and seek to do something truthfully real. Where is the life gone where people used to go outside and meet, where are the days where people look after their bodies, where are the days where we observe where we are instead of watching random short-form videos on our phones?

Maybe it is the damn phone.

Through this blog, we have set out on a mission to share ideas that have helped us break this cycle, to live just that little bit more, and we are absolutely thrilled to have you here.


Our Team
